Many cyclists wonder what they should do if they crash. If they get in an accident with a car, what are the next steps to take? Do they need to call the police? Should they get medical care no matter what? How expensive is it? Who has to pay? Do they need to look into...
Catastrophic Injuries
Why is immediate care so important after a pedestrian crash?
There are a number of serious injuries that can happen when a pedestrian is hit by a car. Some of the most catastrophic injuries include traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)and spinal cord injuries (SCIs). Each of these has the potential to be a life-changing injury. With...
Crash results in vehicle entering the ocean, 5 injured
Here's a scary story about a crash that occurred near the Pacific Coast in Ventura County. As someone who lives only a short distance from the ocean, understanding how serious a crash can become if the crash results in a vehicle entering the water is vital. The crash...
These 3 tips can keep you safer as you cycle
No one can ever prepare for catastrophic injuries. These include serious head and brain trauma, spinal cord injuries and other life-threatening wounds. They often leave people with devastating symptoms for a long period. Cyclists in California are at risk of being...