Cyclists have the legal right to share the road with motor vehicles. Technically, a bicycle is a vehicle, although cyclists usually cannot maintain the same speeds that motor vehicles can consistently. However, bicycles don't have the same robust safety systems that...
Bicycle tips
Common hazards for all cyclists
Between congested roads and the high gas prices, more people are choosing a better way to commute and run errands. Bicycles are becoming the preferred mode of transportation for thousands of Californians. Bicycles are a fun way to exercise, pick up a few groceries or...
3 things California cyclists need to know about helmets
Discussions about bicycle helmets often lean toward one extreme or another. Some people believe that it is irresponsible to ever ride a bicycle without a helmet. Others view them as a hindrance rather than a means of improving personal safety. The more people...
Cyclists can take precautions against being hit by uninsured motorists
California boasts some of the most scenic cycling routes in the country. However, sharing the road with motorists comes with inherent risks, especially when some drivers operate without proper insurance. Uninsured motorist accidents can leave cyclists with significant...
Could a new law force adult e-bike riders to get a license?
People often talk about e-bikes as though they are the ideal transportation solution of the future. There are reasons for that enthusiasm. E-bikes are affordable and efficient. They require less space to operate and to park. They pose less risk to pedestrians when...
3 helpful types of visibility gear for cyclists
Many bicycle collisions are the fault of people in motor vehicles, not cyclists. However, an affected cyclist is the one likely to pay the price for a crash between a motor vehicle and a bicycle. Even at low speeds, a bicycle and basic safety gear do very little to...
What Peloton riders need to know about open road safety
Peloton riders, renowned for their enthusiasm and dedication to indoor cycling, may find the allure of the open road irresistible as they seek new challenges and experiences. Transitioning from the controlled environment of home workouts to the unpredictability of...
Cargo bikes are becoming more popular
A cargo bike, also known as a freight bicycle or a cargo trike (when it has three wheels), is a type of bicycle specifically designed to transport goods or carry heavy loads. These bikes are built with sturdy frames and often have elongated or enlarged cargo areas,...
What is a parking-protected bike lane?
Infrastructure has a major influence on the safety of cyclists as they travel on any particular roads. California has invested quite a bit in cyclist-friendly infrastructure, including the creation of thousands of miles of bike lanes on roads throughout the state. In...
Are illuminated bike signals worth the investment?
Cyclists in California often view biking as a low-cost form of exercise and transportation, but it can quickly become a costly hobby. Although individual bicycles are available for purchase used from resale shops or garage sales for a fraction of their retail value...