3 things California cyclists need to know about helmets

On Behalf of | Jul 12, 2024 | Bicycle tips |

Discussions about bicycle helmets often lean toward one extreme or another. Some people believe that it is irresponsible to ever ride a bicycle without a helmet. Others view them as a hindrance rather than a means of improving personal safety.

The more people understand about bicycle safety and bicycle helmets in particular, the easier it is for them to make safety-conscious choices about the gear that they use. What do cyclists generally need to know about helmets?

Helmets do save lives

The research about bicycle helmets is very clear. People who have a helmet on during cycling incidents are substantially less likely to develop brain injuries and have an increased chance of surviving the incident. Many of the most tragic cycling crashes involve someone who didn’t wear a helmet. Even though people may feel like they look dorky or unattractive, the added safety that they provide may make their consistent utilization a smart for an avid cyclist.

The law doesn’t technically require helmets

The second thing people need to know, especially if they pass judgment on others, is that adult cyclists do not have a legal obligation in California to wear a helmet. Most people who wear helmets do so for their own safety rather than out of a sense of legal obligation. Cyclists who are under the age of 18 do have a legal responsibility to wear a helmet, and parents typically have to be the ones to enforce that responsibility.

Helmets require occasional replacement

For a helmet to be as effective as possible at protecting someone, a cyclist needs to replace it occasionally. Replacing a helmet with brittle plastic, disintegrating foam or crumbling styrofoam can be a smart decision. It is also generally advisable to replace a helmet any time a crash occurs. Any sort of impact, even a rider falling off the bike and striking their head on the ground, can compromise the integrity of the helmet if there is another incident in the future.

While cyclists don’t necessarily need to do so, consistently wearing a helmet could save their lives if they ever get into a bicycle crash caused by a vehicle. They may also benefit from learning about their rights if they get injured so that they can hold the driver who hit them accountable.