The Los Angeles Times recently ran a story about the two-wheeled travails of a local cycling advocate and enthusiast who is known on social media as “Entitled Cyclist,” or EC for short. The man works in the entertainment industry as a TV and film producer. For the...
Month: March 2023
Does cycling reduce your carbon footprint?
As pollution levels increase and climate change becomes even more of a dire problem than it is already, many people are looking for ways to reduce their carbon footprint. They know that they can’t solve this problem entirely on their own. But there are things that...
Drivers’ attitudes make cyclists less safe
There are a lot of specific reasons why cycling accidents happen. Often, you will find that drivers will say they never saw the cyclist until it was too late. They may even blame the cyclist for something like “coming out of nowhere” when the reality is that the...
Road rage is a serious concern for California cyclists
Cyclists have to make safety a higher priority than others who travel on California roads. It only takes a moment of distraction on the part of someone else to cause a cyclist severe harm. Cyclists often wear brightly-colored gear and defer to other vehicles when they...