Can California’s “daylighting” law make bicyclists safer?

On Behalf of | Jan 16, 2025 | Bicycle Accidents |

One of the most dangerous places on the road for bicyclists is crosswalks. They can also be particularly dangerous for pedestrians, those who use wheelchairs and scooters and anyone who may not always be visible to oncoming drivers as they prepare to cross a street. Unmarked crosswalks and crosswalks that don’t have signage or lights are particularly risky because some drivers don’t stop or even slow down and look to both sides.

A new California law that took effect in 2024 but is newly being enforced with citations at the beginning of 2025 intends to increase visibility at intersections and lessen blind spots for everyone – particularly drivers. That’s why it’s referred to as the “daylighting” law.

What does the law require?

The law prohibits drivers from parking or stopping their vehicles within “20 feet of the vehicle approach side of any marked or unmarked crosswalk or within 15 feet of any crosswalk where a curb extension is present.” Stopping or parking are prohibited even if that section of the curb isn’t painted red to indicate no parking and even if there’s not a “No Parking” sign.

While “daylighting” is newly being enforced as a California law, many other states across the country also have similar laws on the books, as do some California cities like San Francisco. The new law lets local lawmakers make some exceptions. For example, they can decide to allow “parking for bicycles or motorized scooters” within that 20-foot space. The law also allows cities and other local governments to determine how much citations for violating the law will cost drivers.

More “daylight” won’t prevent all collisions

Having greater visibility at crosswalks will no doubt prevent at least some drivers from colliding with those riding or walking their bikes in them. Unfortunately, no law can make every driver pay adequate attention to what’s going on around them.

Vehicle vs. bicyclist and pedestrian collisions can be catastrophic for those who don’t have the protection of a vehicle around them. That’s just one reason why it’s crucial for crash survivors and loved ones of those who don’t survive to seek the compensation they need and deserve for medical costs and other expenses and damages. Having experienced legal guidance can help.