Los Angeles bicycling remains hazardous despite safety laws

On Behalf of | Aug 7, 2024 | Bicycle Accidents |

Bicycling is good for your health and allows you to get around without contributing to fossil fuel emissions, a blessing for the environment. Unfortunately, cycling poses significant injury risks in the modern era, where motor vehicles and two-wheeled conveyances must share busy roadways.

Per a 2023 safety report, most deadly bike crashes occur on high-speed roads (greater than 35 mph) or multi-lane corridors. Additionally, more than half of these accidents happen at night, often in areas lacking dedicated bike infrastructure.

Disproportionately impacts vulnerable communities

The dangers of bicycling in LA are not evenly distributed. The Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) highlights that 65% of serious bike accidents occur on less than 20% of roadways, predominantly in underserved communities.

Such areas face higher risks due to inadequate infrastructure and high traffic volumes.

Common causes of bicycle accidents

As in most populous cities, several common factors contribute to the high rate of bicycle accidents in Los Angeles. These include:

  • Distracted driving
  • Motorist speeding
  • Failure to yield at intersections
  • Impaired driving

California has enacted safety laws meant to address the dangers bicyclists face. Unfortunately, biking enthusiasts have complained for years that safety laws are rarely enforced in LA, leading to continued unsafe conditions.

Severe injuries deserve just compensation

Do not discount the dangers of bicycle accidents. They often result in severe injuries, such as brain trauma and spinal cord damage, leading to lifelong financial and physical hardships.

Given the high risks, bicyclists must understand and exercise their legal rights. Someone with a background in California accident laws can help you file a claim that accurately reflects your damages, including injuries. In addition to opening a door to fair compensation, your claim helps hold negligent drivers accountable.