Representative In High Profile ElderAbuse Cases
$4 million
Elder Abuse
Successfully represented the administrator of an estate in recovering more than $4 million in property in litigation against a 45-year-old attorney who claimed to have married a 93-year-old Los Angeles woman in a secret ceremony in Mexico, and then transferred ownership in her property to an offshore trust in the British Virgin Islands. Retained Mexican counsel who obtained an order that the marriage did not exist. We then persuaded the Virgin Islands Trust company to dissolve the trust.
$1 million
Elder Abuse
Successfully represented a conservator in litigation with an elder abuser who stole $1 million from a 90-year-old woman and wired the money to a foreign bank. Conducted discovery which assisted federal and state authorities in a criminal action which resulted in guilty pleas and the recovery of the $1 million.
Appellate Cases
Schwartz v. Labow (2008) 164 Cal.App.4th 417.
Cohen v. Burger (2008)
Alfano v. Giordano (2004)
Los Angeles County
Probate Volunteer Panel
Active on the Los Angeles County Probate Volunteer Panel (PVP), attorneys found by the Probate Court of the Los Angeles Superior Court to have the requisite skill and experience necessary to represent the interests of persons against whom petitions for appointment of conservatorship have been filed. Served on more than 100 appointments as both a PVP attorney and guardian ad litem in the past 18 years.
Pepperdine University
Law School Lecturer
Lectured at Pepperdine University Law School seminar on Improvisational Mediation, using his own live jazz trio to demonstrate the principles of creativity, improvisation, cooperation and discourse in mediation of legal disputes.
Frequent Legal Education
Panel Lecturer
Frequent lecturer at Los Angeles County and Beverly Hills bar associations continuing legal education panels on the laws and duties governing PVP attorneys.
The goals of this organization include transportation policy changes that would provide for an equitable, environmentally sustainable and safe future. Josh is a member of the board of directors for the California Bicycle Association
Areas of Practice



Bar Admissions
- California, 1970
- District of Columbia, 1964
- U.S. Court of Appeals 9th Circuit, 1970
- U.S. District Court Central District of California, 1970
- New York University School of Law, New York, New York
- L.L.B. - 1963
- Honors: Member, Moot Court Board
- University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- B.A. - 1959
- Honors: cum laude
Professional Associations & Memberships
- New York University School of Law, New York, New York
- L.L.B. - 1963
- Honors: Member, Moot Court Board
- University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- B.A. - 1959
- Honors: cum laude